Guest blog – Gull rescue as a non-lethal solution to conflicts, an update by Kevin Newell

I am Kevin Newell owner and founder of Humane Wildlife Solutions we are Europe’s only non-lethal, ethical, environmentally-friendly alternative to pest control. We help businesses and individuals all over Europe find solutions to wildlife conflicts without causing harm to the wildlife or the environment in the process. In November 2020 I told you of a…

Guest blog – How nature dies – part 2 by Alistair Gammell

Alistair Gammell worked for RSPB for 40 years and was closely involved in the drafting of the Birds and Habitats Directives and for growing RSPB’s international work. He was RSPB’s first International Director and retired from RSPB in 2009.  He then worked successfully to establish large-scale fully-protected marine reserves in the seas around the British…

Guest blog – Halloween: A Time to Celebrate Spiders by Debbie Rolls

Debbie is a freelance writer and lecturer in Teacher Education. She has contributed creative fiction and non-fiction to anthologies, has written for BBC Countryfile and is a regular contributor to Leeds Living website ( She is in process of writing a children’s book presenting world history through the eyes of a spider. She can be…

Guest blog – How to quadruple your donation to World Land Trust by Andy Langley

Andy Langley is a wildlife enthusiast and supporter of World Land Trust (WLT), who will be doing a sponsored birdwatch this October to raise money for WLT’s Guardians of Nimla Ha’ appeal, saving rainforest all around a network of near-pristine lagoons, wetlands and mangroves in Caribbean Guatemala. For a fourth year my employer Ecclesiastical Insurance…

Guest blog – Blocking motorways by Ian Carter

Ian Carter worked as an ornithologist for 25 years before retiring early to spend more time writing about wildlife. He wrote The Red Kite’s Year with artist Dan Powell and a sister volume The Hen Harrier’s Year will be out next spring. His recent book Human, Nature is about our relationship with the natural world…