Guest blog – Planting Trees by Ian Parsons

Ian Parsons spent twenty years working as a Ranger with the Forestry Commission, where he not only worked with birds of prey and dormice, but where he developed his passion for trees. Now a freelance writer, Ian runs his own specialist bird tour company leading tours to Extremadura. For more details see This is…

Guest blog – Woodland Musing 2 by Louise Bacon

Tree planting has been higher in my thoughts than usual recently, with all the GB political parties providing numbers of trees they intend to plant. As a volunteer in practical conservation land management for wildlife trusts etc., I have noticed that, without interference, trees are pretty good at growing themselves.  Whether I have been cutting…

Guest blog – War on Wildlife Project by Charlie Moores

A life-long birder, Charlie Moores co-founded Birders Against Wildlife Crime and is a former trustee of League Against Cruel Sports. He writes and makes podcasts about wildlife and the environment. Twitter: @charliemoores So I’m in the kitchen at home, mid-2015. Thinking about things. I’d like to say about Hen Harrier Day or bettering my efforts…

Guest blog – Woodland Musing 1 by Louise Bacon

As a volunteer, I spend about a day a week from late October through to Easter cutting down trees. ‘Shock horror!’ say the urban tree-huggers. Actually, I could equally have written that I spend a day a week engaged in the traditional rural craft of coppicing.  I prefer to think of it as the latter….