Farming Today (today, 1 minute into the programme) features former chartered accountant Sophie Bagley and her game meat enterprise in Yorkshire (as featured earlier in the Mail Online). What she says about game meat is largely true – it is low cholesterol, it is low carbon, it is low fat and to some extent game…
Category: Lead
ECHA (the European Chemicals Agency) estimate that 19,000+ tonnes of lead is deposited into the environment in Europe each year (this excludes shooting clay pigeons and similar sport shooting activities, see here). Based on estimates from the ammunition industry the Lead Ammunition Group estimate that 2000 tonnes of that is deposited in the UK (see…
What did the EU ever do for us? Lead ban on the cards?
I thought this was an interesting piece in Shooting UK online – click here. That the EU is moving to a complete ban on lead ammunition is not surprising or a secret – and is long overdue. I thought what was interesting was the quote from BASC’s Caroline Bedell; There are a number of uncertainties…
Listen again to Farming Today
Farming Today last Saturday morning had a discussion about shooting between Andrew Gilruth of GWCT and Pat Thompson of RSPB. Pat did very well but it’s more interesting to listen to Gilruth I think. He rarely answers the question. He reminds me so much of Jacob Rees-Mogg’s performance in Parliament yesterday evening – smooth, unruffled,…
A chat on a train
A fortnight ago, I set off to give a talk about driven grouse shooting at Walthamstow Wetlands as part of the London Wildlife Festival. I got off the tube at Tottenham Hale (a new experience) and walked to the site to find lots of glum faces as the Saturday and Sunday events had just been…