In September Birdwatch

Rebecca, Ruth and I had a chat at the Bird Fair. In this month’s Birdwatch there is an excellent article on raptor persecution by Ruth Tingay as well as a host of excellent images of rare birds from the UK and elsewhere in Europe. I enjoyed Bill Oddie’s back-page column too. In my Political Birder…

SNH hands out non-toxic ammunition to goose shooters

This story about a Greylag Goose cull on Orkney caught my eye (largely because someone sent it to me – thank you!). I don’t know enough about the reasons behind the cull to comment on whether it is the least bit sensible but I was interested to see that the goose carcasses were to be…

GWCT comes clean on lead

The move by Waitrose to require its game suppliers to supply game meat that has not been shot with lead ammunition from the 2020/21 shooting season is likely to have considerable knock-on impacts. The GWCT is the leading scientific authority used by the shooting industry and, for example, restaurants that sell game. For example, when…

British Game and Lead Alliance

The British Game Alliance has posted a statement on their website about Waitrose’s very sensible position on lead ammunition – here it is. It’s all a bit feeble. They can’t criticise Waitrose and they can’t criticise the Food Standards Authority so they say – not very much at all. But what they should be saying…

Yorkshire mum may not be doing the right thing by her children.

I blame the government, particularly Liz Truss (who dismissed the Lead Ammunition Group‘s report), the Food Standards Agency (chaired by a grouse moor owner, for not publicising their advice) and, of course, the shooting industry (who have known of the health risks of game meat shot with lead ammunition for years and years and years…