A natural debt

The first report of the Natural Capital Committee was published a while ago – it didn’t receive much attention in the media (here, here, here). Natural capital is the natural world.  It is all that stuff that we inherited that we could pass on to future generations: fish in the sea, carbon in forests, reedbeds…

Round up – but not Monsanto’s

Big beach clean up – the Marine Conservation Society are having a Big Beach Clean Up next week.  I’ll be fighting litter on the beaches of Northants,  don’t you worry! Pond conservation – I’ve heard lots of people saying that the cold weather has affected the laying of frogs and toads in their ponds.  I…

Questions. Questions! Questions?

There are, aren’t there, many types of questions? Rhetorical questions, leading questions, straight questions, difficult questions.  Latin, I dimly remember from school, had particular ways of asking questions to which the expected answer was ‘yes’ and other ways of asking if the expected answer were ‘no’. I’m quite a questioning person myself.  ‘Why is the…

Carbon lady 2

I was really surprised to come across these words of Mrs Thatcher: “We must remember our duty to Nature before it is too late. That duty is constant. It is never completed. It lives on as we breathe. It endures as we eat and sleep, work and rest, as we are born and as we…