Ralph Underhill cartoon

  Hedgehogs – you couldn’t dream them up really could you?  If you hadn’t seen one (you have seen one haven’t you?) then would they seem any more likely than the unicorn? Hedgehogs seem to be getting rarer for a variety of reasons here, here and here)  – one of which might well be that…

Butterflies in the landscape, and a Christmas present too

I’m sorry I can’t attend the launch today of a marvellous report by Butterfly Conservation.  Landscape-scale conservation for butterflies and moths – lessons from the UK is a superb document about how to do nature conservation.  Few of our UK conservation organisations could produce something so impressive in terms of demonstrating how to conserve threatened…

Biomass – dirtier than coal?

Last week I pointed out that every form of energy production has snags – and suggested that we should give a higher priority to reducing our energy needs. Here’s another example, and it’s rather similar to the situation regarding biofuels (described in Chapter 13 of Fighting for Birds). Using biomass to fuel power stations looks…

Fighting for Birds – ho! ho! ho!

If you are really struggling to think of a Christmas present for that wildlife-friendly friend or relative – then how about a signed copy of Fighting for Birds? You’d make my Christmas too! Signed copies are available at £15 (inc P&P).  Email me at [email protected] and we’ll get it all organised.  Don’t delay as Christmas…

Support the National Trust please

This blog has touched on the performance of the National Trust as a nature conservation organisation a few times (including yesterday) and hasn’t always been gushing in its praise for that immensely successful organisation – immensely successful in selling itself, nice cakes and a day out, that is. But fair’s fair and here is an…