It’s always nice to hear from you…

I received this letter by email a little while ago.  I thought I’d share it with you, without commenting on it (except I couldn’t resist adding a photo (or three) of a magnificent sea eagle (or sea eagles)).   Dear Mr. Avery I have never written to you before but have heard a great deal…

Whose science counts? Don’t droop your ‘h’s!

I remember attending a Game Fair, in fact it was the last one in 2011 (rained off this year) when in the space of two days I heard people say that we British have the ‘best farmers in the world’, the ‘best foresters in the world’ and the’ best shooters in the world’ – and…

Wild Travel

The latest edition of the 6-times-a-year Wild Travel is out now, with my column explaining how you and other animals can get through the winter. But after reminding myself of what I wrote I always enjoy thumbing through the fantastic images and interesting words of the rest of the magazine. There is a feature on…

Waging war

Today is Remembrance Sunday and this year it falls on the 11th day of the 11th month.  The Second World War was the deadliest conflict in human history but I was surprised to learn that the First World War was ‘only’ the sixth deadliest. Are you wearing a poppy? It’s interesting that we use a…