Category: Uncategorized
Speaking and signing and so forth
I have been doing even more talking than usual recently! I’ve talked at my former school (Bristol Grammar), at a debate on pandas at the Linnaean Society, to a bunch of young conservationists at Cambridge University and on Radio 4’s Saving Species programme on raptors. Tomorrow I am RSPB Leighton Moss talking (1100-1200) about nature…
It’s about TB
After the decision to delay the badger-cull pilot study it might be that badgers are breathing a sigh of relief. Except they won’t be because we don’t have in place effective measures to limit the spread of bovine TB in badgers and cattle and from one to the other (both ways!). One huge problem with…
Five years on…
On the evening of 24 October 2007 I was on the train to London and received a phone call from one of my staff. He told me that he had received a report from a Natural England staff member who had just seen two hen harriers shot out of the air on or near the…
Flocking to Snettisham
Last Friday I was up early, even for me, so as to be at Snettisham RSPB nature reserve by 0730 to see one of the UK’s finest wildlife spectacles. And I wasn’t alone as the car park was almost full, even at this early hour. There were around 200 of us wrapped up against the…