Saturday 4

  This photograph was taken in the Lake District, in Keswick actually, a few weeks ago.  Note the name of the shop. It has nothing to do with my book, Fighting for Birds, which you could buy now by clicking here. You do know what day it is, don’t you?  

Saturday 3

I have a column in Wild Travel magazine which is a new magazine about travel and wildlife.  The second issue is now out and my column takes a look at the wonders of animal migration. Wild Travel comes out six times a year and is now priced at £3.99.  I bought my copy in WHSmith….

Saturday 2

You do know what day it is don’t you? Yesterday, in rural Bedfordshire, I was passing a field of unharvested beans, where the beans looked brown and crispy.  I saw a raptor flying low over the crop and I wondered whether it might just be a marsh harrier so I pulled over and had a…

Saturday 1

  It is widely expected that there will be a government reshuffle on Monday. It may take a while for the full details and impacts on junior Ministers to be revealed. Let us hope that this road sign which I saw in London last week is not a sign for the Parliamentary Under-Secretary at Defra.

Holiday journey – can you work it out?

From the end of July to the middle of August I was travelling.  You might say holidaying (but some of it might be tax-deductable).  Can you work out where I went from the clues below?  Funnily enough I went to lots of nature reserves and a few historic monuments.  It’s just for fun – maybe…