I heard two good things on Farming Today, today – this is the second. After hearing Luke Pollard talking fish, I heard another good speaker a bit later in Farming Today, Rosie Woodroffe talking Badgers. Now I do know Rosie a bit, not very well but a bit, and I have a lot of time…
Category: Uncategorized
Farming Today, today (1)
I heard two good things on Farming Today, today – this is the first. When I turned on I’d just missed the beginning of the programme and there was some bloke talking about marine fisheries. I didn’t recognise him but he seemed pretty fired up, spoke very well and as he talked I thought ‘I…
Guest blog – Birds on the Brink by Paul Sterry
Paul Sterry is a passionate conservationist and has been writing about natural history and photographing wildlife for the last 40 years. He founded the international competition Bird Photographer of the Year and is a trustee of the charity Birds on the Brink. Formed earlier in the year – by unfortunate timing just on the cusp…
Bird/poultry flu update
There is another poultry farm, in Melton Mowbray, Leics, with avian flu (announced yesterday). DEFRA has updated its ‘wild’ birds register too. Mostly wild birds like Canada Geese… Many poultry farms are under lockdown but it is expected that some turkeys will be allowed to travel just before Christmas.
It’s a hat-trick for the Jay!
Yesterday afternoon Natural Resources Wales answered my questions about Jay culling on NRW land as follows: Our response to your questions is as follows – 1. Does NRW cull Jays under the provisions of the general licences on its land? NRW does not currently cull jay on land it owns or manages. 2. Does NRW…