It’s mad!

Yesterday’s blog suggested a different  way of paying by results for success in agri-environment schemes – regional top-ups for participating farmers if the regional farmland bird index rises.  It’s a tricky thing to administer, perhaps, but it is essentially a good idea (in my humble opinion). This month’s copy of The Field – with an…

Just another member

I was up in t’northwest this week and managed to fit in a visit to the RSPB’s Leighton Moss nature reserve.  I hoped to see a few good birds, remind myself of what a pretty place it is, maybe have a spot of lunch in the cafe and slip out again without being recognised as…

Nature of Harming update

There is a clear leader in this poll but it’s nip and tuck for second place. But comments keep accruing – there are well over 100 already.    

Blogger in Residence – you can hire me!

If you are an environmentally friendly organisation or business, with a good story to tell, then hire me as your Blogger in Residence to write about your work. I am looking for organisations with interesting environmental stories to tell, who would like me to write one blog a week about their work for periods of…

Habs Regs Review

Defra is carrying out a review of the regulations that implement the EU Birds and Habitats Directives. They’d like to hear from you at [email protected] . I’m glad to say that they have already heard from a large group of wildlife NGOs who have submitted their views on the nature directives – good for them!…