
Hummers are gas-guzzlers to most Americans – but they are hummingbirds to some. Hummingbirds seem exotic to the UK birder because we have nothing really like them – and because they really are exotic. My first hummingbird ever was about 30 years ago when I was sitting on a log in Ontario, looking at a…

Book review

Here is a link to a very nice review of my book Blogging for Nature.  The review was written by fellow blogger-birder Alan Tilmouth. And here is where you can buy a copy yourself – and thank you to the many of you who have already.

Just a quick one

I was out into Yellowstone NP by 630am and had seen Black Bear, lots of Bison (and baby Bison), Elk (Red Deer to you and me) and some good birds (Hooded Merganser, Cinnamon Teal, Osprey) before breakfast. The bird list has passed 200 species – which is certainly not spectacular and illustrates the amount of…

Big Society and Small Government

Yesterday morning I was up early and doing my first Breeding Bird Survey visit of the year.  I started at 6am and it was all a bit dull weather-wise,  but by 730am the sun was out although the easterly wind was quite strong. I’ve written before about how this volunteer/NGO/government agency/government partnership is a good…

A couple of old pluggers

Mike McCarthy, the Environment Editor of the Independent newspaper, rarely slips up, but today he gives a ridiculous amount of space to writing about me in his Nature Notes column.   He’s very kind; and I see he is off for the next few weeks to write a book . If Mike’s next book is…