British Birds, March 2022

A cracking issue of British Birds this month (as almost every month) with an attractive Common Scoter on the cover alerting the reader to a fascinating paper (Metcalf, Bradnum, Dunning and Lees) inside describing overland nocturnal migration of this duck across Britain revealed partly by the new nocmig technology. Aren’t birds brilliant? It’s almost time…

My mate Putin

A friend recently sent me a link with the pithy note saying that he was surprised that I was such mates with Vladimir Putin and that he hoped I would use my best endeavours to get him to pull the tanks out of Ukraine. Of course, I’ll do all I can on that front but…

The man underneath the hat

Wild Justice has recently started subscribing to The Shooting Times – just to have a look at what they are saying. So, every Thursday an issue arrives at my home. When I saw this week’s cover I thought to myself ‘Yet another shooter getting out of his depth’ but I thought there was something familiar…


The Countryside Alliance boss, Tim Bonner, joins Chris Loder in the worst-judged recent tweet competition with this offering… … which suggests that my mate Chris Packham has broken the law by having a dead Badger temporarily in his possession. This isn’t misjudged simply because I don’t agree with it – there are plenty of clever…