I was one of many signatories to this letter – click here – asking the Royal Family to rewild some of their landholdings. You could write too – see here. This would be quite a good place to start, and would have massive knock-on impacts locally;
Category: Uncategorized
An interesting paper
This paper, open access, was published overnight. The Summary does, unusually for a scientific paper, sum it up!
Sparrow update
Last week I told you about the apparently lone female House Sparrow raising a brood of chicks in my neighbour’s roof. Possibly before that blog was published last week, very early on Saturday morning, the brood fledged and the female was feeding them in my garden and next door. The male, or any male, played…
BBS completed
Last week I revisited ‘my’ two Breeding Bird Survey squares to carry out the second surveys at each to complete the data collection for 2021. BBS1, as I shall call it, is arable farmland and I have now completed 17 years of surveying it for the national scheme, and BBS2 is mostly farmland by the…
An old issue in The New Issue
The New Issue is a quarterly magazine produced by Big Issue North. The summer edition has an article, beautifully illustrated with photographs and well written by Roger Ratcliffe, tackling the Hen Harrier issue. Nestled between articles about Joan from Hull and her tattoos and a graphic article entitled Wives and Punishment, and near articles on…