Tim Melling – Red-billed Leiothrix

Tim writes: This attractive bird lives in forests in the Himalayas and Southern China.  It was once a common cagebird and I saw my first ever one in Britain several decades ago, when it went by the name of Pekin Robin.  But it isn’t related to Robins.  It is in the Laughingthrush family, but it…

Birdwatch wrapper good enough to eat?

The wrapper on my March Birdwatch magazine looked different… and it is. I’m glad to see that Birdwatch alongside many other magazines, but far from all of them, has switched away from plastic wrappers and, in this case, to potato starch. Good for them! And although I am sure that the managing editor, Dominic Mitchell…

Long-serving Defra minister George Eustice resigns

George Eustice has resigned from the government and from his post as Minister of State in Defra. That post is more senior than Therese Coffey as a Parliamentary Under Secretary and less senior than Michael Gove as Secretary of State. Eustice has been a Defra minister since October 2013 – an exceptionally long time (first…

RSPB press release – another missing Hen Harrier

Vulcan – another missing Hen Harrier, presumed dead. A young male hen harrier has disappeared in suspicious circumstances in Wiltshire and is believed most likely to be dead. The harrier, named Vulcan, was one of five chicks to fledge from a nest in Northumberland last summer. He was fitted with a satellite tag as part…