Tim writes: despite being an adult male, this shrike is proving problematical to identify. There seem to be three possibilities; Brown Shrike (Lanius cristatus), Turkestan (Isabelline) Shrike (Lanius (isabellinus) phoenicuroides), or a hybrid between the two. Though very few hybrids involving Brown Shrike are known. When I started birdwatching these were all treated as races…
Category: Uncategorized
Tim Melling – Hoopoe
Tim writes: in early October a Hoopoe turned up not far from where I live in West Yorkshire so I decided to go to see it. When I arrived there was nobody else around and I stopped the car as it walked down the road in front of me. I took several photographs of it…
Jones Hill Wood (and brood meddling)
Yesterday, Justice Lang stopped the felling of Jones Hill Wood in the ‘licensed area’ (as defined in License WML-OR58, issued by Natural England on 30 March 2021) and granted the Claimant, Mark Keir, permission for an expedited rolled up judicial review of Natural England’s licensing of the felling. This hearing will take place in the…
Ralph Underhill Saturday cartoons – first and last
Ralph writes: I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that has followed my cartoons over the years, even the person who presses the dislike button every single week without fail! It has been a great opportunity and I am incredibly grateful to Mark for giving me a platform to try and hone my…
This blog (4) – the photographers
Peter Cairns: has had plenty opf his images used on this blog in a guest blog, in other people’s press releases, in news about SCOTLAND: the Big Picture but also this image of a damaged landscape which I have used many, many times. Thank you Peter. Oscar Dewhurst: Oscar Dewhurst was 18 when he started…