This blog (1)

If you visit this blog a week today, on 22 April, you won’t find a new post here as this blog is downsizing for 6 months – and then I’ll decide what to do next. If that comes as a complete shock to you, as it has to a few people I’ve spoken to over…

DEFRA #omnishambles on peat – who briefed ministers?

Further to this morning’s blog on DEFRA admitting to being clueless about where the 40cm peat (that they claim they are wanting to protect) can be found, here is another perplexing information response to the talented Guy Shrubsole. I’ve missed a few things out of the fairly long response but not anything material as far…

DEFRA #omnishambles publishes review of general licences

Wild Justice challenged general licences in England in winter 2019 Natural England withdrew those licences in spring 2019. DEFRA reintroduced very similar licences in summer 2019. DEFRA held a consultation on general licences in autumn 2019. DEFRA published the consultation responses and its views on them in spring 2021. And they represent pretty poor analysis…