More gems from the shooting scene

The Savill’s benchmarking survey is a valuable reference point for those interested in the future of shooting. Here are a few more areas (see this morning’s blog) which caught my eye: the average salary for a single-handed keeper was £21,100 plus benefits. That doesn’t sound like a fortune does it? What might the benefits be?…

‘Supply outstrips demand’

The Savill’s annual shoot benchmarking survey for last season makes grim reading for the shooting industry – there aren’t enough takers for the millions of so-called wild birds that are shot for fun and profit every year.  Any pretence that shooting is connected to food is a distant memory despite these words in the Code…

Paul Leyland – Chironomid midge

Paul writes: I often photograph insects and have no idea what I’ve seen until I get home. This is one of those creatures. A fairly insignificant thing, less than 10mm long, basking on a leaf. However once I loaded up the image it was a matter of, ‘Wow, isn’t that fantastic’. Then comes the difficult…

Tim Melling – Northern Brown Argus

Tim writes: The Northern Brown Argus occurs across northern Europe and the mountains further south but the form that occurs in Scotland occurs nowhere else.  This beautiful (and little-photographed) form has a white spot on the forewing and the under side spots are white without black centres.  These features are controlled by a single recessive…

OK, I’m nagging you.

Today it’s raining in east Northants – it’s a dull day.  Two weeks ago it was raining in London – it was a brilliant day. Whether or not you were one of the #soddententhousand please write to your MP this rainy weekend and ask them what they will do to promote wildlife in parliament. Here…