RSPB press release

Men given community order for possession and trade of 22 wild Peregrines On 11 December 2023 Timothy Hall and his son, Lewis Hall pleaded guilty to multiple offences relating to the possession and trade of wild Peregrines in Scotland and were both handed community service orders yesterday for these crimes. Without the introduction of sentencing…

BSBI press release: Thousands of citizen scientists find hundreds of wildflowers blooming at New Year

The results are in for BSBI’s thirteenth New Year Plant Hunt, when plant-lovers across Britain and Ireland head out to see what is flowering in their local patch. More than 3,000 people – a record number! – took part in the Hunt, after the hottest summer on record was followed by an unusually wet December….

Press release: Lambs not a major food source for breeding White-tailed Eagles in Scotland (RSPB & SOC)

Lambs not a major food source for breeding White-tailed Eagles in Scotland New study finds proportion of nests with evidence of lamb as prey declines over 20-year period A new study assessing the diet of breeding White-tailed Eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla) – also known as Sea Eagles – in Scotland between 1998 and 2017 has found…

Press release: Scotland’s oldest wild pine saved by Trees for Life

Remote woodland – home to Scotland’s oldest wild pine – saved as part of rewilding initiative  A remote ancient woodland – home to Scotland’s oldest wild Scots pine, which is at least 565-years-old – has been saved from being lost forever and given a chance of regeneration thanks to Trees for Life, as part of…