Oscar Dewhurst – Fox

Oscar writes: this image is one from a project on Foxes a couple of years ago. I stumbled across them by chance more than anything, and over the next few months was able to build up a nice portfolio of images of them as they were very confiding. This was taken fairly early on. Nikon…

Saturday cartoon by Ralph Underhill

What they said about the Natalie Bennett car-crash interviews: this blog Natalie Bennett in the Daily Telegraph Natalie Bennett in the Guardian Zoe Williams in the Guardian Daily Mail The Daily Mirror on car-crash interviews Cartoonist Ralph Underhill has an exhibition of his work in Aberdeen Central library next week as part of Aberdeen Climate…

A round up

Some things that caught my eye this week: £1000 reward for information on injured Buzzard in Yorkshire science and technology committee thinks that EU rules on GM crops are holding us back planet earth is a sick patient says future king Sweden’s racist bird names – do we have any of our own? Or any…

This month’s Birdwatch

I travelled into London yesterday which meant that I could read this month’s Birdwatch (the one with the Crane on the cover). My ‘political birder’ column is about vicarious liability. Usually,I look through the accounts of the rarities in Birdwatch and think to myself a mixture of ‘I’d never have realised what that was’, ‘I wish…

Green belt

An interesting piece by Simon Jenkins in the Daily Telegraph. Does the Green Belt need a re-think? I’m never quite sure where it is or what it is, myself.