Otter with Octopus by Gordon Yates

Gordon Yates is a wildlife photographer and many of his superb images of Hen Harriers have graced these pages over the years. Here are two images of a female Otter, photographed on Islay in November, bringing an octopus to her cubs.

Happy New Year Mr Pursglove

A letter to my MP: Dear Mr Pursglove I hope you have had as merry a Christmas as is possible under present circumstances and I wish you a safe 2021. It may seem a little odd to bother you with a missive in this period between Christmas and New Year but I guess you’ll be…

Dream of the Highland tiger by Peter Howard

DREAM OF THE HIGHLAND TIGER Felis silvestris grampia Pete Howard has worked in Nature Conservation for the past 20 years, mainly in species monitoring and protection for the RSPB. He lives in north Cumbria, where he is regional Bird Recorder and Vice Chair of the Cumbria Bird Club. He is also an irredeemable butterfly fanatic….

Guest blog – Digging Holes by Alick Simmons

Alick Simmons is a veterinarian, naturalist and photographer.  He lives in Somerset. He has written six previous guest blogs here – click here. His Twitter handle: @alicksimmons I’m a conservation newbie, an ingenu trying to compensate for a terrifying lack of experience.  Although I’ve been a wildlife nut since my early teens (and a proud…

Tim Melling – Wryneck

Tim writes: Wrynecks used to breed in Britain and in Victorian times were found in every county in England and Wales south of the Humber. But they had dwindled to extinction by the 1970s while a small population temporarily colonised Scotland, which was way outside its original range.  But I don’t think it has bred…