RSPB’s busy day (1)

Today the RSPB issued two press releases, one on burning in the uplands, the other on the annual Birdcrime report. It’s a bit unusual for two press releases to come out on the same day but today is the start of the burning season in the uplands and so that timing makes complete sense. I…

An NE staff member writes…

The following is a lightly edited version of an email I recently received from someone whose identity I know, and who I know to be a NE employee.  Understandably their identity is not revealed here. The editing I have done is mostly to remove clues as to their identity. I work for NE.  I’m writing…

Guest blog – Whither Now for State Nature Conservation? by Dominic Woodfield

Dominic Woodfield is the Managing Director of Bioscan, a long established and well respected consultancy specialising in applied ecology. He is a life-long birder, a specialist in botany, habitat restoration and creation and in protected fauna including bats, herpetofauna and other species. He is also a highly experienced practitioner in Environmental Impact Assessment and Habitats…

Guest blog – Peak District paths by Bob Berzins

Bob writes: I have a life long passion for the outdoors through rock climbing and fell running. A cancer scare in my thirties made me appreciate many things I simply hadn’t noticed before, from the smallest plants to the gap in the sky from a missing raptor. It’s all worth fighting for and that’s what…


63,000 signatures. Here’s a slightly different way of looking at the results so far. We need to get the average (mean) constituency across the whole UK to 154 votes by midnight (I think) on 20 September to get to 100,000 signatures and trigger a debate on the future of driven grouse shooting. Some constituencies are…