Henry at the Bird Fair – more

‘Beautiful plumage Jim!’ – says Henry to the man who commissioned Inglorious And then Henry gets in amongst the artists, starting with Keith Brockie, who knows his birds… …and on to Carry Akroyd… …and then to Darren Woodhead who knows a harrier when he sees one. Henry wanted to thank Lush boss, Mark Constantine for…

Ten Bird Fair thoughts

the discussion about driven grouse shooting was completely packed (c500 people), the discussion about rewilding was completely packed, some of the usual diet of quizzes were not well attended – go figure, the Bird Fair audience is open to having some challenging debate and discussion about nature conservation as part of the mix in one…

2015 in the Birdwatch readers’ Blog of the Year – Jan-June

January: I saw a Great Grey Shrike locally (I’d forgotten until I looked back), Defra were hopeless (hardly news, I know), David Harsent won the TS Eliot prize for poetry for a book which included a poem about a killed Hen Harrier, a Scottish gamekeeper was jailed for killing raptors, SNH was put under pressure…

Westminster Hall debate on toxic ammunition

The transcript of yesterday afternoon’s Westminster Hall debate on lead ammunition is available here.  I’m always impressed by how quickly these things appear. I attended the debate, even though you can watch it on TV – it’s like live sport, it’s much more fun to be there to see the tackles going in. As a…