I’ve been really impressed by the number of emails I’ve received by people who are keen – eager even! – to participate in a peaceful protest against Hen Harrier persecution. Over 200 people have contacted me, some promising cars full of supporters, and emails still arrive every day. There is clearly real enthusiasm for expressing…
Tag: gamekeepers
What did politicians offer?
I have a column in the current British Wildlife magazine about the relevance of the EU elections on 22 May, the Scottish independence vote in September and the next UK general election (just over a year away) to our wildlife. In it I also set out 20 policies that might get my vote in the…
Wuthering Moors 37 – if you go up on the moors today, you’re in for a big surprise
Wuthering Moors 35 – response to Defra’s case
Here are a few points on Defra’s response to the RSPB’s complaint to the EU Commission in the Walshaw Moor affair (see blog of 12 noon today). 1. Five tracks, five car parks, two ponds dug out of the peat, earthworks? 2. Some of the alleged damage may not ultimately be restored. 3. NE has…
Grouse – various
Isn’t nature wonderful – the image at the head of this post is of strongylid worms (the white things) crawling out of some red grouse poo. It’s possible that quite a few people and organisations feel like they are in the ‘grouse poo’ at the moment but, on the other hand, maybe they are all…