Defra – drowning not waving

There are 653 days until the next General Election and since a week is a long time in politics this a very long time to go.  However, most people will probably already have made up their minds on this coalition government and it will take distinct jolts , changes or events (dear boy) to alter…

A natural debt

The first report of the Natural Capital Committee was published a while ago – it didn’t receive much attention in the media (here, here, here). Natural capital is the natural world.  It is all that stuff that we inherited that we could pass on to future generations: fish in the sea, carbon in forests, reedbeds…

Horse meat, Romania, vultures, Oscar Whisky, Owen Paterson and your taxes – all connected.

The connectedness of the world intrigues me.  I like making connections between facts, people, events, ideas. I’m getting a bit tired of hearing about the ‘horse meat crisis’ (eg here, here, here, here, here) only because it certainly isn’t a crisis when safe delicious horse meat is incorporated alongside safe delicious cow meat in our…

The playing fields of Eton – infinitely level

Have you noticed that Britain’s future in the EU has been in the news recently? David Cameron’s speech on the subject says that if he is Prime Minister after the next General Election then he’s going to ask us all whether we want to stay in the EU.  I can tell him my answer now …

Bankrupt policies from Defra

Last week George (Gideon) Osborne had to do something different because it was clear that his economic policies weren’t working (he did the wrong thing, but he did have to do something) whereas there is no sign that Defra is going to do anything different even though their policies aren’t working either. The differences between…