Tim Melling – Gelada fight

This was one of the most exciting wildlife moments I have ever witnessed.  It was just like a schoolyard fight while the gang cheered on their champion. Alpha male Geladas have a harem of up to eight females, which leaves a large number of bachelor males that hang around in gangs.  They go around testing…

Tim Melling – Linnet

I couldn’t resist this as I know it is Mark’s least favourite British bird, but this shows the lovely crimson breast and crown, and the gleaming white wing flash.  They were nest building in the gorse when I took this photograph.  I say “they”, but she was doing all the works while he sat around…

Tim Melling – Black Grouse

This male was flying into a lek in North Wales taken while I was using the car as a hide.  They make two different noises while lecking.  They make a constant bubbling call, interspersed with a harsh hissing chooweee, and I can confirm that this bird with its open beak was hissing.  Photographing lecking birds…

Tim Melling – Ring Ousel

I took this photograph on Easter Sunday while it was actually raining.  Most people seemed to avoid the Peak District Moors in grim weather but I braved it and was rewarded with this close view.  I sat quietly in the lee of a drystone wall by a wind-stunted Rowan tree and waited for about twenty…

Tim Melling – Hyacinth Macaw

Hyacinth Macaw is a species I have wanted to see since childhood.  They are the longest parrot in the world (though Kakapo is the heaviest), and have a breathtaking blue and yellow livery.  They usually hang around in pairs or small groups.  This one was foraging under some trees with its partner.  Most of the…