3 Replies to “Saturday cartoon by Ralph Underhill”

  1. Shame I missed it. Nothing would have given me greater pleasure than listening to Lord Lawson. Apart from possibly watching a live debate on EU membership between Nigel Farage and Nick Clegg. Or boiling my own head. Please keep the Saturday cartoons coming, our country needs them.

  2. When did the BBC become balanced? The BBC remit to educate and entertain seems to have been lost.

  3. A great cartoon, Ralph, that has ended up on my office wall!

    Lawson’s interview was a stunning example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect. His reference to ‘this Julia Slingo Woman’…aka Dame Julia Slingo, Professor of Meteorology and chief scientist at the Met office gave us a somewhat unpleasant insight what really motivates him.

    To be fair to the BBC, at least they aim for balance. Other parts of the media just interview the ‘chair deniers’.

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