Peaceful protest against Hen Harrier persecution

Photo: Kositoes via wikimedia commons
Photo: Kositoes via wikimedia commons

There will be a peaceful protest against Hen Harrier persecution somewhere in the north of England on or around (probably before) the ‘Glorious’ 12th August this year.

Let me know if you would be interested in taking part and wish to be kept informed by emailing  [email protected]

The number of people expressing an interest is now well into three figures and emails keep coming in.

It’s time for those who are disgusted by the scale of illegal persecution of this bird to raise their voices.  Remember there should be around 300 pairs of Hen Harrier in the north of England and last year there were two.  That is something to be angry about – or ashamed  – depending on who you are.

Hen Harriers are reported to be holding territory on National trust land in Derbyshire in a general area where they have attempted nesting before. We urge the National Trust to do everything it can to protect these birds from persecution.



10 Replies to “Peaceful protest against Hen Harrier persecution”

  1. Hopefully the queen representing the RSPB has signed up or will she be shooting Red Grouse on Balmoral! Let your readers add the names of who they think should be on the ‘march’ and why.

  2. On a related subject if I may, Chris Packham starts his nightly video diaries from Malta on You Tube tonight (at 9 pm) where he will report on what has been shot each day on the island. It’s a new and brave effort by Chris to bring the massacre of birds there to wider public attention.
    Read why he’s doing this and what you can do to help at

    Thank you


  3. Pingback: Raptorscapes
  4. Mark please count me in for the harrier persecution protest. Where I live in south hampshire the local keeper seems very balanced about raptors and their role. In the `70s, `80s here, you wouldn’t have wanted to be a raptor anywhere near game rearing estates. I witnessed many atrocities back then.
    What`s apparent to me now is; Anyone and everyone who cares must stand up and take action. I`ve waited and hoped for too long. The great “invisible money machine ” has created havoc. The planet is priceless

  5. Please keep me updated. It’s about time there were heavier penalties for those who commit crimes against our birds of prey.

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