WWT stirs itself on lead

This article by the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust on lead ammunition is well worth a read. James Robinson, Director of Conservation, is quoted as saying: Health, surely, is at the forefront of all our minds right now, yet countries blocking this proposal are passing up a golden opportunity to protect the health of their citizens,…

BASC spoke with forked tongue?

BASC is doing this a lot. One day they say something quite sensible and almost moderate, and the next they say something utterly ridiculous (and keep saying it for ages). One day they seem quite reasonable, and then they switch back to ranting and rudeness. If BASC were a person you’d be beginning to doubt…

Get rid of lead ammunition from deer culling – Deer Working Group

The Working Group recommends that the Scottish Government should make a clear commitment to end the use of lead bullets to shoot deer in Scotland, carry out the necessary research and promotion to enable that change to be made after a transition period and, as a part of that, amend The Deer (Firearms, etc.) (Scotland)…

Sophie increases lead intake of customers?

Farming Today (today, 1 minute into the programme) features former chartered accountant Sophie Bagley and her game meat enterprise in Yorkshire (as featured earlier in the Mail Online). What she says about game meat is largely true – it is low cholesterol, it is low carbon, it is low fat and to some extent game…


ECHA (the European Chemicals Agency) estimate that 19,000+ tonnes of lead is deposited into the environment in Europe each year (this excludes shooting clay pigeons and similar sport shooting activities, see here). Based on estimates from the ammunition industry the Lead Ammunition Group estimate that 2000 tonnes of that is deposited in the UK (see…