It must be August because it’s July

I hope you think it is reasonable that when Birdwatch arrives at my home I immediately turn to my column ‘the political birder’.  It’s not that I need to see my name in print, but I do need to remind myself what I wrote about as there will be another column already in the pipeline and I am thinking about the next one.  So, just to be clear, it is July so the August Birdwatch has arrived and I’ve already written the September column which will appear in August but I am already thinking about the October column which appears in September.

After reminding myself of the current column (and this one is about GM crops) I quickly move on to read the good bits of the magazine.  This month there are some amazing photographs (there always are!) including Mongolian plover, rose-coloured starling and pomarine skua – but there are many more.

I always enjoy reading Mark Cocker’s carefully chosen words and this issue had a very interesting article on the Hastings rarities by Charlie Moores who has interviewed the formidable James Ferguson-Lees.

You can buy Fighting for Birds at a bit of a discount and post-free from the Birdwatch bookshop.
