You have a few days to vote in this international photographic competition for children and young people up to the age of 17. Voting closes at midnight on 25 September but why not vote now, otherwise you’ll forget won’t you?
There are 50 photographs from around the world and some of them are stunning – I’m sure you will agree (even if, perhaps, we wouldn’t agree on which were the most stunning, that’s the point of a public vote). You don’t have to choose your favourite, which is just as well because that would be very difficult, but you can vote on a scale from1-5 for each image. It’s a pleasant 10 minutes to look through the whole portfolio and rate the images.
The image with the most votes will be announced on 2 October and receive digital camera equipment, as well as a trip to Baku in Azerbaijan to participate in The Children’s Eyes On Earth Photography Festival And Exhibition. The winner will also have an exclusive photographic workshop in Baku with internationally-known photographer and one of the founders of the contest, Reza. So it’s quite a prize for the winner – and you can help choose who gets that amazing prize.
Here is just one of the images:
Wow, some pretty impressive images, oddly found my self voting for images that didn’t have wildlife in them. Fresh eyes and a fresh perspective on the enviroment around us. Got oldies like myself worried