This rather wiggly table (sorry about that – I’ve spent ages trying to get it to look perfect and failed!) shows you the number of unique visitors to this website in each of the last 12 months and in August 2012 and 2011 (for comparison).
AUG 2011 1918
AUG 2012 4909
SEP 5816
OCT 7179
NOV 7660
DEC 8123
JAN 2013 6705
FEB 6760
MAR 7225
APR 6509
MAY 6006
JUNE 3266
JULY 7940
AUG 12046
That’s quite a jump – was it the furore over Nature’s Home, the furore over August 12th or the Marks and Sparks stuff? Do you know / have your ISP people any clever way of telling if this is the same people visiting more often or more people visiting – including new people visiting for the first time? Is there any correlation between number of unique visitors and numbers of comments? Anyway good luck to you and long may the blog grow and prosper … just don’t mention Nature’s Home (I did once, but I think I got away with it…)
MK – my clever ISP people? I wish! The numbers here are ‘Unique visitors’ so they exclude anyone coming back over and over again. About a quarter of visitors each month are ‘new’. And obviously very few of them get ‘hooked’ and become regular readers. M&S was the biggest.
Amongst other things – I used to buy and sell ISPs as a ‘broker’ – and ‘metrics’ was an important element in ‘valuation’
eg “Heavy Analytics is a WordPress plug-in used to track content and user statistics”
Go improve your valuation!
I have read your blog nearly every day for at least a year (and find it entertaining and informative), but will also, probably, be a “new visitor” every day because I delete my cookies at the ned of every day (assuimng your blog tracks visitors using cookies), so about 30 new visitors a month are me!
Richard – that’s interesting. The number of new readers does surprise me a bit. Maybe it’s only you reading it! Thank you!
The other measures available, total Visits and Pageviews show similar trends.
I shall always use “at the ned of the day” in future. Brilliant!
Ned Sherrin or Neddie Seagoon??
I believe ned is a scottish word, and none too favourable:
12,046 readers is nothing but then our hope has to be decision makers are amongst the readership so that our insightful comments get acted upon positively. The Hen Harrier and Stop Ecocide petitions will now undoubedly shoot thru the roof!
I don’t delete my cookies daily. But I do make a packet of jaffa cakes disappear each month…
Just a “packet” are you being honest there Doug
Interesting the number of visitors during your trip to the USA! I also confess to doing a cookie sweep at the end, I think Trim’s plug’in will give a better impression, it also makes for interesting reading when you use another firm (no pulgs here) that id’s the ISP location and wether it’s a comercial company etc, just saying it makes for interesting reading to see who exactly is coming and going at times.
If they’d employed standups rather than fiddlers on the Titanic would it still have hit the iceberg?
Not sure I get that Phil, a bit to cryptic for my small brain to process, but let me add this anecdote and how it can prove valuable to keep an eye on your traffic flow.
I was hacked a few years back, lost a load images, had my email hijacked and appeals for money in my name was sent out, my id was stolen and it took 13 visits to court and 3 years to clear the mess left behind, so I now verge on the side of obsessive in security terms, the ISP tracker system I use now has been invaluable, via my blog a while back I got a spike from an average 130 hits per day to 300 hits, which given how/what I blog about was odd to say the least, it was noted with the gadget I was getting an audience from 2 ISP in Lithunia (spelt wrong I think), so I notified the blog provider, they in turn confirmed an unusal number of traffic visiting other bloggers from the same ISP, 2 weeks later a massive “hack/virus” attack came from these two ISP, the attack which name I forget made headlines as many fell victim to the virus, but I and several others weren’t thanks to this particular system….
Many thanks Douglas, I’ll review my security.
Following the quips re Jaffa Cakes I thought I’d allude to fiddlers as in “fiddling while Rome burns” etc.
If the occupants of blogs such as these could visibly see themselves sinking then the fiddling would stop and some serious problem solving would ensue – wouldn’t it? My reasoning is that of the ordinary bloke in the street who keeps hearing of impending disaster but can see no real effort to fix or circumvent.
I can see book sales and marketing for revenues into NGOs increasing however.
perhaps people who had not read the blog before were confused about the USA trip if they did not know about the book. I don’t think it was a USA boycott.
From plotting the figures I suspect a strong seasonal trend Mark, as summer, when us conservation types are all outdoors immersing ourselves in nature, has lower figures! Maybe a long-term climb too. August 13 definitely an anomaly though.