Introducing Oscar Dewhurst

Photo: Oscar Dewhurst
Photo: Oscar Dewhurst

OwenOscar Dewhurst is an 18 year-old wildlife photographer and birder from London. He’s been birding since he was 10, and photographing since he was 13, mainly in his local area of Southwest London, particularly at the WWT London Wetland Centre. Oscar’s work has been commended in several competitions, including the Veolia Environnement Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition in 2012.

Since late 2010 Oscar has developed an obsession photographing Bitterns, his favourite bird.

Oscar is currently on a gap year before going to university to study Biological Sciences in October, so hopes to be doing a lot of photography! He is, like Jonnie Fisk, a member of Next Generation Birders.

I’ll be featuring Oscar’s work in blogs on Sunday evenings.

Bittern 2
Photo: Oscar Dewhurst

