5 Replies to “Saturday cartoon by Ralph Underhill”

  1. Take away the money from these NGOs and it would not have got this far. Like wind farms it is called corruption. Habitat management and protecting the rain forests should have been the priority. Even as we speak Brazil is cutting down even more of the Amazon.

    1. Well said that man

      It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn’t matter how smart you are. If it doesn’t agree with experiment, it’s wrong – Richard P. Feynman. Well said him too.

      1. I’m not sure what you are saying, Filbert. That it has been experimentally demonstrated that the climate is not changing? That co2 levels are not rising? That the changes are not anthropogenic in origin? That some predictions of how climate change will affect us are wrong? All of these? It must have been quite an experiment.
        Who knows? You (or your grandchildren) may one day be in a position to say that climate change was a big false alarm but it is a little early to be invoking Feynman just yet.

  2. It can never be to early to question governments. Especially the present UKTory coalition we are suffering. With their Tax hikes used as an excuse by them for taking positive action in the name of global warming.

    Unfortunately waiting is not an option. As when it’s too late we will be unable to replace the rainforest or the plants & animals being lost for nothing but greed.

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