Bits and pieces with quite a raptorish, and a quite Scottish, flavour

Bad news:

Good news:


Not news:

  • The Moorland Association say that Merlins like moorland – an unimpressive study that wouldn’t stand up to much scrutiny but we look forward to the next in the series, the Hen Harrier, that bird most loved by the upland gamekeeper.  How about an analysis of Hen Harrier SPAs?

3 Replies to “Bits and pieces with quite a raptorish, and a quite Scottish, flavour”

  1. So if a merlin nests within a 10km square that includes any keepered moorland, then this is attributable to the management of gamekeepers. Using the same ‘scientific’ approach adopted by the Moorland Association, it would also be possible to link all the hen harrier persecution incidents in northern England to land owned by their members. Fancy publishing this Mark – surely the MA couldn’t complain could they?!

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