Hen Harrier Day is a week away!
Hundreds of people will be gathering in three places across the north of England a week today to express their support for the threatened Hen Harrier.
If you can’t make it to any of those events – and the Peak District one is full to capacity – then you can still add your voice:
- get a T-shirt printed and wear it with pride – wear it to work on the ‘Inglorious 12th’ too if you can.
- add a Hen Harrier ‘Twibbon’ to your Twitter and/or Facebook profiles
- sign up to a social media thunderclap alongside the RSPB, the Green Party of England and Wales, Chris Packham, the Wildlife Trusts, the League Against Cruel Sports, myself, Michaela Strachan and many many others
- take a selfie of yourself and tweet it to @birdersagainst
- tell someone else about all this stuff – and get their support too, please
- and then tell someone else, again, about all this please
- and I know you have more than two friends so please tell someone else
That’s only 7 things to do – and, rather amazingly – there are 7 days to go. How convenient! Make a list and tick them off day by day.
Thank you to everyone for your support.
The pdf file on Chris P’s Hen Harrier T shirt page doesn’t download…it may of course be user error but worth a check in case there is a problem.
Stella – I just tried it, and it worked. And it worked last week too. Give it a while and try again?
Tried again, several times, it just freezes and then crashes Explorer [typical Microsoft]. If you have a copy of the pdf and have half a moment, could you email it to me please? Many thanks….
Stella – done! But only because it’s you. Let me know if it doesn’t arrive, please.
PS – you don’t have the ‘used to have a punk hair do’ filter on do you?