The e-petition to give Mountain Hares legal protection in Scotland is galloping across the landscape. It is heading quickly towards 5000 signatures.
I’m very pleased (and slightly jealous – it took nearly a month for our own e-petition to get to 5000 signatures).
Please have a look at the Mountain Hare e-petition on the 38 Degrees site, and sign it if it appeals to you.
Could we get Chris Packham to mention this issue on next week’s Winterwatch?
Would the ‘establishment’ &/of BBC allow such? One has only to look at the involvement or not of the Green Party in televised PM debates ….
True colours, showing true colours …. democracy, pah!
But I agree with you Kevin, bring on more profile raising!
It might be that your blog has influenced and encouraged others to use collaborative network to raise the profile of such issues, hares, Hen Harriers & birds of prey in general etc.
Wonder how many hits the video of the buzzards being bludgeoned to death got, all helps to raise the profile of ‘management’ practice and techniques?
I fear hares are cuddlier than hen harriers.
This has to STOP.
Your excellent YouGov petition requesting a ban driven grouse shooting was pushed manically around facebook to all the wildlife campaign groups, I know of. The response from the gov’t was utterly pathetic and self-congratulatory. You must have been very disappointed, Mark.
Wende – welcome! Not at all. It did very well and is still gaining signatures. And it certainly is raising the stakes over the ills of grouse moor management.