Not so Fine Shade (7) – a good decision!

DSCF2971_2East Northants District Council Development Control Committee decided, about half an hour ago, to refuse planning permission for a 70 holiday cabin development at Fineshade Wood.  I think it was 11 against and one abstention with none in favour (2 members absent and the Chair and Vice chair not voting).

The grounds for refusal were the ecological ones – loss of irreplaceable habitat.

More on this tomorrow morning.  It was the Dormice (and their habitat) what won it!


9 Replies to “Not so Fine Shade (7) – a good decision!”

  1. hurray! hurray! But why are we constantly having to fight these destructive proposals when there is so little good habitats left? Non-stop rear-guard actions.

  2. Great news Mark, thanks for reporting it so late. Much of the credit for this decision must go to you for highlighting this threat not just to Fine Shade Wood but to all our woodlands. The battle to halt the backdoor privatisation of our woodlands is now really joined because of Fine Shade Wood.

    1. Alan – it’s a good result (but could, of course, be appealed). But I came very late to it, many others, locally, deserve almost all of the credit for this victory of common sense. And the rest of the credit has to go to the councillors who demonstrated common sense in their decision.

  3. An excellent result tonight and well done to everyone who objected. And thank you East Northants Council for putting nature ahead of development.

  4. I like to think its the dormice and the “mobilisation of the troops” that won it. Good to know that there are still enough of us to value what is really important in life and decisions like this give us encouragement that our single individual additions to the petitions or a retweet can work even when a threat like this is some miles from where we might live. We don’t have to look far though to find other battles being fought – Southwark woods in London, Walton Hall Park in Liverpool to name but two that I have supported and encourage others to follow.

    Thank you Mark for bringing this to our attention and keep on fighting the good fight.

  5. Well done. But questions still need to be asked of the forestry commissions involvement in this??

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