- or in this case my ear – first singing Chiffchaff this week
- I had a look at Stonehenge this week – it is very impressive – I wonder whether Henry might visit one day? #HaveYouSeenHenry?
meat free week is going well
- I really enjoyed talking to the AGM of the Wiltshire Ornithological Society in the Corn Exchange in Devizes on Wednesday evening. they were a lovely crowd and very appreciative. Here are some tweets they sent out: @MarkAvery Enjoyed your talk at WOS this evening – thought provoking, esp the lessons we should learn from the Passenger Pigeon’s extinction; Great to meet & hear @MarkAvery speak about Martha & Hen Harrier persecution in Devizes tonight. Thanks for signing the book Mark; Riveting talk from @MarkAvery in Wilts – no more Marthas – sign this to ban driven grouse shooting. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/65627; Brilliant talk this evening at Wilts Ornith Soc by @MarkAvery on Martha plus Hen Harriers which has my vote for National Bird.
I’ve been buzzing since last Saturday’s BAWC conference – here are write-ups by Findlay, Zach and Georgia
- RSPB BGBW results and a quote from me in the Guardian
- Monday morning – I was looking at Black Grouse lekking in the Pennines – great way to start the week
- the Beavers are back again in Devon
- Martin Harper wrote a good blog – but the RSPB website is having a spring clean at the moment so it’s not accessible.
- please vote for this World Land Trust project to help the Andean Condor
Pigeon clearance in just Pancreas station costs £150,000 a year!! The bill for London alone runs into £millions. No wonder Horus the Peregrine is producing so many off spring!!
Looking at your meal I am not sure you are maxing out on the potential health benefits of a vegetarian diet…
giles – probably not. Although I am doing something for animal welfare, rainforests and greenhouse gas emissions. And for the excellent World Land Trust. You haven’t sponsored me yet…
Had my first Chiffchaff here on 18 March. Reasonable numbers of Orange Underwing moth about birch woodland another species I consider a herald of spring.
Still Hen Harriers hanging around our lowland wintering grounds, wondering if they should risk finding Henry, see http://birdingsiteguide.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=948&Itemid=1
That Harris’ Hawk looks like it is looking for its missing apostrophe
Bushshrike – it is in fact Harris’s Hawk! I should have checked, but when I spoke to its ‘owner’ and called it a Harris’s Hawk he corrected me to Harris Hawk. That’ll teach me to trust my memory and instincts!
There’s no hard and fast rule but s’ is often used for proper nouns and s’s for common nouns. But it does need an apostrophe somewhere. For some reason, ornithological literature generally gets it right but avicultural literature generally gets it wrong. But anyway, I really should get out more…
This one you DO win, Giles – definitely made me giggle !