Vote for the Hen Harrier

1408 p001 cover_with comp v2.inddToday is general election day – you get to decide.

It’s also the last day that you can vote in David Lindo’s fascinating poll for our national bird.  In this poll, voting closes at midnight (in the general election the polls close at 10pm).

Why bother – it’s just a bit of fun isn’t it? Up to a point (Lord Copper).

Yesterday we learned that a high proportion of the English population of the Hen Harrier, three males from pairs nesting in Lancashire’s Forest of Bowland, had ‘disappeared’ over the last three weeks.  The Hen Harrier is the most persecuted bird in Britain and therefore the assumption is that these three birds were probably gunned down when they travelled out of the safety of the United Utilities land where they were nesting.

The lovely, feisty Robin, or the mellifluous Blackbird, would be worthy winners of this poll – and I’d guess that one of them will win. But if, or when, they do, Robins and Blackbirds won’t benefit at all. They won’t know they’ve won and winning won’t do them any good. Only the Hen Harrier will benefit from your vote in this poll as a good showing will raise its profile amongst the general public. Reaching the last 10 in this poll has already given the profile of the Hen Harrier a massive boost.

So today – vote Hen Harrier!

Vote Hen Harrier because you want the world to be a better place. Vote Hen Harrier because you can do this bird, that needs your help and support, a little bit of good by voting for it. Vote Hen Harrier today to send a message that the killing must stop.

David Lindo tells me that it will take a couple of weeks until the paper ballot papers are counted and so we won’t learn the results of the national bird vote until long after we know who is running the country (perhaps).


2 Replies to “Vote for the Hen Harrier”

  1. Must be Hen Harrier. A vote for this species is a vote to preserve a National Treasure.

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