Henry occupying another butt – what a view!

Fri 10 July Copy

Henry and I have been to some spectacular spots on our travels. This was a good one, and very close to the road, you’ll notice.

The idea that we should reclaim the moors for the Hen Harrier is spreading widely.

There is hardly anything more solidly symbolic of driven grouse shooting than the grouse butts in which the shooters stand to blast away at the birds.

Occupy the butts – and take a photo and send it to these nice people.

Be a friend of the Hen Harrier – and be a pain in the butt!

And Henry gets a mention in this podcast by Charlie Moores (of BAWC) for Talking Naturally, where he interviews me about the massive ego-trip that is Inglorious – conflict in the uplands (listen to the podcast for something more sensible on the subject).



Keep in touch with Hen Harrier Day events through this website.
