How are you getting on with whatever New Year resolutions you made?
I went for a walk at Stanwick Lakes this morning and was rewarded with 53 species, the ‘best’ of which was a Bittern. I also had what seems, at the moment, to be a good idea.
Today is a meat-free day for me – are you doing meat-free Mondays?
Also it seems that some of you did resolve to sign the e-petition calling on the government to ban driven grouse shooting as it is zinging along at the moment. You have only 17 days to sign this e-petition yourself, and to get your friends and relatives to sign too. If you think you can guess how many people will have signed when the e-petition closes on 21 January then do share your guess as a comment here and you might win a book.
Yes. We are trying to have at least 3 meat free days a week now. I am more and more worried about the husbandry and sustainability of everything.
have been approx 60% meat-free for years, and only buy responsibly-reared meat and sustainable fish for household use. Will be posting more on social media and promise to hassle politicians more. My personal resolution, to cut out biscuits, is going fine. I need to keep that up until easter, but I fear that the CCF symposium on Thursday may cause a temporary relapse on that one.
I think we will have got to 29850 signatures by the close – prove me wrong everyone!