This is Lead Week on this blog.
By one of those interesting and unexpected coincidences, yesterday the Food Standards Agency had a live board meeting on the internet. They invited questions via social media and email.
I wasn’t able to listen in to their board meeting but I did send them this series of questions:
- Does the FSA have any comment on the fact that Iceland Foods have sold Red Grouse which have average lead levels 100 times the MRL allowed for non-game meats?
- Does the FSA have any problems with the accounts given in 15 blogs on the subject of lead levels in game meat posted here this week: ?
- Has the FSA seen the report of the Lead Ammunition Group? I believe it has. Has the FSA any major issues with the science of that report as far as it refers to lead levels, human diet
and human health? If so, what are they?
- Has the FSA seen the results of the Oxford Lead Symposium? Has it any major issues with the science of that report? If so, what are they?
- BASC state ‘There is no risk to those who do not eat shot game meat more than once a week throughout the year’ This conflicts with the FSA’s own advice does it not?
BASC state ‘There is no risk to those eating small game if the pellet and pellet channel are cut out’ This is not true is it?
I received a confirmation message saying that they received this email.
I’ll let you know their reply, and I’ll let you know if they don’t reply.
There’s no “dislikes” on this post yet. Have the dislikers ingested too much lead than is good for them do you think?