Environment Minister Rory Stewart encourages everyone to visit their nearest National Park or public woodland this Bank Holiday weekend.
The minister says: ‘The UK’s National Parks, forests and woodlands are right at the heart of our national identity. These spaces belong to each and every one of us, and I’d challenge anyone visiting to enjoy them without feeling a pang of pride about that sense of ownership.‘
‘Pang‘ a sudden sharp pain or painful emotion
Freudian slip minister? Yes we should all feel that pang because our National Parks are not safe havens for protected wildlife – you should feel this more than most, minister, as you should be doing more to fix it.
Maybe you are announcing, in a roundabout way, that the Forestry Commission will not be letting Forest Holidays build holiday chalets where I go for a walk in Fineshade Wood? And it’s lovely of you to tell me that I own my national parks – but I don’t. Although I am a member of the National Trust, and they own some important bits of the Peak District National Park which they need to sort out.
A recent scene from the Peak District National Park where a man went for a walk with his model Hen Harrier:
He’s right – everybody should visit their nearest National Park or piece of woodland this bank holiday weekend. It may well be their last chance to do so before this corrupt and incompetent government frack or develop them into extinction.
On a side note, Raptor Persecution Scotland have changed their name (has that just happened today or did I miss it earlier?). Raptor Persecution UK it is, keep up the fantastic work!
jim – it happened earlier this week – I mentioned it in passing. What a great gang they are!
Maybe you were looking at a map of constituency signings at the time?
Could be!