It’s all written down here

I’m accused of various things, mostly by people who don’t know me, but a really good thing about writing a blog and writing articles, and writing books, is that my words are there, out in the open for anyone to read. So you can make your own minds up.

About 100,000 of those words, on the subject of why we should ban driven grouse shooting, are all neatly packaged together in this book…


It’s there to be a proper explanation of why we should ban driven grouse shooting and has had some lovely things said about it, such as:

expansive in scope yet forensic in detail‘ and ‘clearly reasoned and well-writtenCharlie Elder in BBC Wildlife magazine.

‘Avery is a reasonable man; by his own admission “a wishy-washy liberal” who has engaged in fruitless years of dialogue with the grouse-shooting industry in his efforts to gain concessions. Once roused, however, he proves indefatigable.’  James Attlee in the Independent

‘he tells the story in such an engaging manner that we find ourselves within a tome which by turn is a social commentary, a wildlife disaster tale, a story of the haves and have nots, a history book of the UK and an explanation of what driven grouse shooting consists of and the measures taken to ensure its grisly success.Ceri Levy in Caught by the river

‘The conclusion of his riveting book is simple: driven grouse shooting requires the suppression of hen harriers, which is a crime, and so should itself be outlawed. The logic is impeccable.’ Michael McCarthy in the Independent

Here is the structure of the book:

Chapter 1 – mostly about Hen Harriers since the book is not mostly about Hen Harriers. why they are especially vulnerable to persecution – the motives of the criminals and the biology of the bird.

Chapter 2 – mostly about what grouse shooting is, where it happens etc. Did you know that when driven grouse shooting started c150 years ago it was seen as unsporting and horrid? Time to think like that again?

Chapter 3 – the Langholm Study (Langholm 1 if you like) which showed that protection of raptors and protection of ludicrously high grouse bags are incompatible aims. You have to choose.

Chapter 4 – changes in knowledge and policy which resulted in us being where we are today. Sounds a bit dull but you’ll find it difficult to label me an ‘anti’ after reading it, and it also brings into the foreground the ecosystem services arguments.

Chapter 5 – what happened in 2015 including Hen Harrier Day, some dead raptors, an e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting etc

Chapter 6 – how the future could look, from the perspective of someone with a past.

Chapter 7 – how you can help bring about change.


Available from all good and some bad bookshops, and from the author, and the publisher.

And if you are convinced without reading the book, then please sign this e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting.


3 Replies to “It’s all written down here”

  1. An excellent tome, if it were not accurate then they’d have been able to ‘have had their day’?

    One might wonder when the grouse-industry is going to provide its equivalent? In the interim spin, spin & ‘moor’ PR rhetoric or even worse lies, lies and ‘moor’ damn lies?

    First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

    Incidentally, and of which any update on the apology due from ‘The Rt Hon’ Sir Nicholas Soames further to his crass and offensive RT?

  2. Your agent/publisher probably thought of and explored this, but just in case they didn’t many apologies for not thinking of mentioning it until it was too late! I’m thinking that you could have gotten a slot at the Hay Festival to speak about Inglorious. Would have been a very good platform, plus if you haven’t been there before one hell of an experience. I used to work there doing the recycling and both the village of Hay on Wye and its art festival are like nothing else. I’ve seen George Monbiot, Patrick Barkham, Graham Wynne and many others speak at Hay and you would have fitted in beautifully. Perhaps you could still speak next year, if bring out an updated version of Inglorious then there’s more chance of you getting a slot? Another reason for version II with details of further shenanigans, 5 ‘missing’ male hen harriers etc. Maybe there’s still time for you to get a slot at the Edinburgh International Book Festival in August? Cracking book.

  3. Brilliant book. I hope it will help ban driven Grouse shooting forever. As well as the poisoning of wild life and the unnecessary burning of land. It is totally a selfish sport for the indulgence of the rich and the impoverishment of our natural heritage that the people of this country should be allowed to freely enjoy. Well researched by the ex Director of RSPB who really knows what he is talking about. I hope it helps to change the political attitudes of the snobs who run this country.

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