Oscar Dewhurst – Three Red Deer

Oscar writes: This is another image from Richmond Park, taken towards the end of September. It had been a cold night, so frost covered the ground, and I saw these three deer standing where I could get the flats in the background. Luckily they all kept the same pose for a while, giving me time…

Guest blogs of 2017

I welcome guest blogs here – they provide a change of pace, a change of perspective and the possibility that different issues will emerge. Thank you to all who have taken up the offer and written a guest blog. In 2017 there have been 53 of them. Guest blogs here by Birding for All, WWT…

Looking back over 2017

I sometimes think that this blog only writes about banning driven grouse shooting – important though that is to me, it is not the only thing in the world. But looking back over the year and the blogs I have written myself, there is a fair amount of variety. Here are some blogs, one from…

This blog’s books of 2017

Thanks to Ian Carter, this blog has reviewed more books than ever in 2017 – I think there were 37 in all. For a change I have simply chosen my favourite three books of the year here. A favourite book is a very personal choice.  These then are my personal choices but I have expanded…

Tim Melling – Little Owl

Tim writes: Although Little Owls look totally at home in Britain they are a nineteenth century introduction that had never been recorded here historically (not even as bones or fossils). The first attempt at establishing Little Owls in Britain was actually in Yorkshire at Walton Park near Wakefield in 1834 when Charles Waterton released five…