I’m not sure how I missed this piece of news except, perhaps, because it was only lauded on the Moorland Association website.
Andrew Sells is pictured hiding behind a wall by the Moorland Association whereas Natural England is usually perceived as sitting on a fence whilst preparing to jump off on the wrong side of it!
It is clear that the Moorland Association feel they have Mr Sells on their side. Now, about that X-ray of Rowan…
Is that a grouse butt he’s standing in?
With a surge in house building on SSSIs [Sites of Sustainable Slosh Income] I presume this man will carry on making money out of this market that brought him to fame!
Not much chance for Hen Harriers to multiply then.
Sells sold ’em down the grouse butts.
SSSI – Sold to Sells Shooting Interests.
John Barrett of Natural England retired last autumn. This video clip says it all, I think, even if it dates back to 2011.
Let’s hope Mr Barrett’s replacement isn’t in the Moorland Associations pocket as well.
It seems Andrew Sells will get £61,698 for 113 days work per year for Natural England.
Anyone know what he does/earns for the other 252 days?
So the Countryside Alliance runs both the Hawk and Owl trust and Natural England….hmmm.
So the MA are now marketing consultants for unNatural England? Wonder what the commission was?