Last chance to respond to the Peak District NP consultation

The Peak District National Park wants to know what you think – so you should tell them.  You’ve left it a bit late because your response has to be in by midnight (I assume) tonight.

Here is some fairly detailed guidance on how you could make your views known on the wildlife-paucity of the Peak District National Park despite ‘conserving and enhancing wildlife ‘ being a main purpose for designating National Parks.

You could post something like this into the space for answers to all questions of the consultation if you wanted to do a thorough job:

I don’t feel that your consultation recognises the dire state of wildlife within the National Park nor the major part that shooting gamebirds for fun and profit plays in this scarcity.  National Parks exist primarily to conserve and enhance natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage.

Wildlife is getting a very thin deal in this National Park. Why are there so few birds of prey in the Peak District and why isn’t the National Park Authority doing anything to bring this crime to an end? Your Raptor Forum is an abject failure. I want to visit the Peak District and see Hen Harriers, Goshawks and a whole range of other wildlife – why do I see acres of burned heather with little wildlife?  Why am I more likely to see mountain Hares in a gamekeeper’s stink pit than wild out on the moors.  The recent video of a masked, armed man apparently shooting a Badger caught in a snare was utterly shocking – why is this happening in a National Park?

Natural beauty is being rapidly diminished in the Dark Peak by intense over-burning of heather, the proliferation of hard-core tracks where none used to exist and new tracks being developed without permission. Why hasn’t the Peak District NP got control of these matters?

The Peak District – a National Park where nature is not cared for. The Peak District – badger-snaring, raptor killing, track-building, access-closing, heather-burning, wildlife-unfriendliest National Park in the UK.



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