Questions must be asked of NE

  The red arrow shows the location of the track which is just north of the public footpath and parallel. The surfacing starts just east of Highshaw Clough. This area is completely within the Special Area of Conservation as shown on the Magic system: Natural England, a few questions: did you receive an application for…

This would be a particularly good time

With the gathering of the shooting industry at the Game Fair stating today, this is a particularly good time to add your support to Findlay Wilde’s thunderclap against wildlife crime on the grouse moors. Please sign here.

More inappropriate development in the Peak District National Park

Bob Berzins sends these disturbing-looking photographs from the Moscar estate – yes that name may well be familiar Snaring in the Peak District National Park 11 July, Peak District snares – what they say, 12 July. Bob writes, ‘Moscar Estate (owned by the Duke of Rutland) are constructing a surfaced road across Derwent Moor from…

I love this time of year…

The run-up to Hen Harrier Day and the #Inglorious12th is always a great time of year. It’s when the worst elements of the shooting industry, and their hangers on, show how rattled they are, and let a little nastiness out for us all to see. Here’s an example from last year.  Since then they have…

Guest blog – Love Vultures, Ban Diclofenac by Ian Parsons

Ian Parsons spent twenty years working as a Ranger with the Forestry Commission, where he not only worked with birds of prey and dormice, but where he developed his passion for trees.  Now a freelance writer, Ian runs his own specialist bird tour company leading tours to Extremadura.  For more details see This is…