Other blogs (3)

In this occasional series (weekly so far – but this is only Week 3) of links to other interesting blog posts, here are some more blogs that have caught my eye: One Kind: Why we’re backing Hen Harrier Day Joyce Hopewell: A Hen Harrier’s tale Fiona Bell, Butterfly Conservation: Butterflies and sunburn – life as…

Sunday book review – Bowland Beth by David Cobham

I very much enjoyed David Cobham’s previous book on raptors, A Sparrowhawk’s Lament.  This new, slim offering has many of the same features that made that book such a pleasure to read; a love of raptors, a selection of anecdotes and a range of snippets of conversations with others involved in the subject. But this…

Tim Melling – Willow Tit

  Tim writes: In 1897 two German Ornithologists (Ernst Hartert and Otto Kleinschmidt) were looking  through a series of Marsh Tits in the British Museum when they spotted a couple of Willow Tits that had been wrongly labelled.  The same year some fresh specimens were collected in Coalfell Wood, Finchley and three years later Willow…

An Unreliable History of Birdwatching (16) by Paul Thomas

Previous episodes: An Unreliable History of  Birdwatching by Paul Thomas (1) An Unreliable History of  Birdwatching by Paul Thomas (5) An Unreliable History of  Birdwatching by Paul Thomas (6) An Unreliable History of  Birdwatching by Paul Thomas (13) An Unreliable History of  Birdwatching by Paul Thomas (15)         Paul’s website